
Endorsements for An End to Upside Down Thinking (2018)

“Ever wonder why you are thinking of someone and moments later they call or connect to you? Magic? Coincidence? Maybe not. New information on what we call phenomena is brilliantly shared in this must-read book! New pathways of the mind will open and perhaps shift your perception of reality, time and space and above all consciousness! Bravo.”

Goldie Hawn

Oscar-winning actress

“I love this book. An End to Upside Down Thinking will get you thinking. This book is full of positive, insightful and powerful information.”

Jack Canfield

New York Times bestselling author of The Success Principles and co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul book series

“The scientific study of the mind-brain relationship, including all manner of human experiences, combined with the deepest mysteries of modern physics, are leading to an unprecedented shift in human understanding of the nature of reality, one that many in the field feel will make the Copernican Revolution seem minuscule by comparison. In An End to Upside Down Thinking, Mark Gober provides a broad sketch of the relevant scientific lines of inquiry to support this inevitable, yet very empowering and optimistic, shift in understanding of the nature of human existence. Especially as one realizes the damage that has been done by our reigning materialistic paradigm and its false sense of separation, the promise of this newest unifying scientific revolution becomes clear — we must grow into this new understanding, if for no other reason than to survive.”

Eben Alexander, MD

Former Harvard University neurosurgeon; author of Living in a Mindful Universe and the #1 New York Times bestseller, Proof of Heaven

“Revolution is in the air, and Mark Gober is out front carrying a banner in his An End to Upside Down Thinking. He turns things right side up, explaining why consciousness is fundamental, nonlocal, and cannot be explained in terms of brain mechanisms. This is one of the most incisive indictments of the materialist view of consciousness I’ve read. Gober’s message is urgent; he shows why our future depends on this course correction. Viva la revolución!”

Larry Dossey, MD

New York Times bestselling author

“Almost everything you learned in school about who and what you are is wrong. In An End to Upside Down Thinking, Mark Gober, a Princeton-trained financier and hardcore rationalist, describes his shock at discovering that this is not some wild conspiracy theory, but an open secret supported by solid scientific evidence. If you’d like to know what was left out of your college education, there’s no better place to begin than this easy-to-read survey of the mind-boggling nature of reality and your place in it.”

Dr. Dean Radin

Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences

“Mark Gober’s question sums up the entire conundrum about what we thought we knew but turned out to be false or at least highly questionable knowledge: If consciousness isn’t just a product of the brain, and if it survives the death of the physical body—beyond space and time— then how does it fit into our picture of the universe? We thought we knew what the real world is really like, namely that it is material and that consciousness is the product of a material brain. But what if the world isn’t, and the brain isn’t? What kind of a world is it then, and what kind of consciousness do we have then? Mark seeks an answer in clear and meaningful terms. A great service to the cause of advancing knowledge and its proper application to our thinking and our life. A big vote of thanks to him for helping to bury the outdated, but not yet outmoded, materialism of our time.”

Dr. Ervin Laszlo

Two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, author of more than 75 books, philosopher of science and systems theorist

“What if our most basic assumptions about our understanding the mind are wrong, upside down? Mark Gober has created a remarkable synthesis about one of the most challenging areas to understand, the infamous ‘hard problem’ of consciousness. To be humble about current conceptions of how our mind works, and open minded to alternative perspectives than pure materialism, has the potential to promote a leap in scientific discovery and possibly even a more compassionate society.”

Elissa Epel, PhD

Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UCSF, and co-author of The Telomere Effect, a New York Times bestseller

“Thoughts and realities that we thought were rock solid are shaken to the core in this terrific new book. An exposé that will force the reader to look at their individual assumptions about the very nature of how events happen and will continue to happen and be shocked that the universe isn’t as orderly as they have always thought. You will think about what has been written here for many many months after you have read the last chapter.”

Barry Baker

Senior Advisor at Lee Equity

“Mark Gober’s An End to Upside Down Thinking shows with broadly extensive examples how the conventional 19th century common sense dogmatic materialistic worldview has no basis in fact. Scientific revolutions always begin with a steady accumulation of anomalous evidence. The consciousness-as-reality revolution will likely be difficult as the current paradigm is deeply entrenched in seats of authority and power. This book promises to open the minds of many potential contributors to the growing mountain of anomalies and to the highly imaginative among us that can ground these puzzling phenomena in a comprehensive and clear theory. Send a copy to everyone you know…”

Loren Carpenter

Computer scientist, founder of Pixar, and two-time Academy Award winner

“​This book changes everything…You will re-examine your entire belief system and formulate a new framework for creating meaning in your life. Mark brilliantly connects scientific theories, research, and human experience to examine consciousness. Realizing that you may be dismissing or discounting information you are accessing through your consciousness has practical implications to enhance your life.  You will trust your “intuition” more fully, feel more connected to others, be happier with yourself and be inspired. As the number of readers increases, the world will be a better place! Thank you, Mark!”

Ann Shippy, MD

Author of Mold Toxicity Workbook and Shippy Paleo Essentials

“For someone to write a book such as An End to Upside Down Thinking, on topics dared to be included in this manuscript, is both essential and courageous in this moment of extensive and planned human ignorance. Out of the halls of centuries of information suppression come these chapters—like magical doors to temples of radical wisdom. The pages of An End to Upside Down Thinking are antidotes to many ailments spread worldwide, where humans are worked like slaves rather than viewed as windows into the consciousness of GOD. Congratulations to Mark Gober for such an important and uplifting undertaking.”

Guru Singh

Spiritual teacher and author

“I have read several books among this genre, yet this one—from the first chapter—has the reader questioning many normal assumptions.​ I predict this book will be widely perceived as important.”

Gregory Miller

Of Counsel, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati; former managing director, Google.org

“Modern “secular humanism,” a quasi-religious worldview that arose in connection with the classical physics of the late 19th century, holds that subatomic physical things of some sort are the sole ultimate realities and that all else including mind and consciousness is derivative. This bleak vision currently constitutes the received wisdom of opinion elites throughout the civilized world; it dominates contemporary social sciences, psychology and neuroscience, has destructively colonized neighboring academic disciplines including most of the humanities (even religious studies!) and rules our media and educational systems from top to bottom. Despite its associated practical achievements, this worldview is now known to be false at its very foundations, and it is in the process of being overthrown in favor of a more comprehensive science-based metaphysical vision which makes consciousness the ultimate reality and is capable of accommodating our deepest spiritual experiences and yearnings. In this lively, provocative and well-written survey, Mark Gober provides a sampling of the many kinds of scientific findings that are driving this tectonic shift in worldviews, and a thoughtful discussion of its profound implications for our individual and collective human fates.”

Edward F. Kelly, PhD,

Lead author of Irreducible Mind (2007) and Beyond Physicalism (2015), and a professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences at the University of Virginia

“Mark Gober’s book is an insightful, meticulous, and amazing investigation of consciousness. He takes the NDE (near death experience) to another level. Psychic occurrences once considered strange, awkward or even taboo must be intertwined into our present daily life. We cannot just deny them any longer! As a cardiologist who has dealt with multiple situations of life/death, and life again, I can attest that this is a very important and extraordinary book. This is a must read that will assist us in the 21st Century with an amazing “re-awakening”.”

Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, F.A.C.C

Co-author, Health Revelations from Heaven

“In An End to Upside Down Thinking, Mark Gober presents a comprehensive overview of the evidence threatening the core assumptions of the prevailing materialistic view of reality, where consciousness is regarded as a product of the physical brain. He makes a compelling argument for the need of a radical transformation of science and the need to recognize consciousness as the primary organizing principle of the Universe and the ultimate source of reality.”

Brenda Dunne, president

ICRL, and former Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (PEAR) manager

“To listen to evidence requires an open mind. To then follow wherever it leads often requires courage, persistence and honesty. Having earlier accepted the current mainstream paradigm of materialistic science that states that mind and consciousness arise from matter, Mark Gober has undertaken a tremendous journey of inner and outer discovery, turning his previous world view upside down and revealing just how wrong mainstream science has been. In An End to Upside Down Thinking, he brilliantly investigates numerous and compelling evidence by multiple researchers and across a broad range of phenomena to show that consciousness isn’t something we somehow have but what we and the whole world are. The revolution has begun!”

Dr. Jude Currivan

Cosmologist; author of The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation

“In An End to Upside Down Thinking, Gober retrofits science with the tools it needs to move forward in the new world of empirical results that don’t make sense according to materialist ways of thinking. By bringing the reader expertly, engagingly, and accessibly toward a new and more accurate understanding of the nature of the universe, he addresses the mysteries of time, space, and causality in an updated and decidedly revolutionary way.”

Julia Mossbridge, MA, PhD

Cognitive neuroscientist and director of the Innovation Lab at the Institute of Noetic Sciences

“Mark Gober’s masterful book, An End to Upside Down Thinking, is poised to create worldwide impact by redefining what it means to be human. Gober ultimately raises a question that is critically important in today’s turbulent global climate: if we are truly and fundamentally interconnected, how should we treat one another? The implications extend to all aspects of our culture—from science, to politics, to education, to gender equality, and beyond.

As Founder & CEO of Mogul, which enables millions of women worldwide to connect, share information, and access knowledge from each other across 196 countries and 40,000 cities, this book provides a new scientific lens through which equality and empowerment are only natural since we are all interconnected and part of the same whole. The time is now for a collective mindset shift at this pivotal juncture in human history; Gober’s paradigm-shifting book is a catalyst that society desperately needs.”

Tiffany Pham

Founder and CEO of Mogul

“Humanity is at a critical turning-point moment in our history. In every area of society, old paradigms are crumbling. While the materialistic/mechanistic world-view gave us many gifts, we are also rapidly destroying our planet. Technology has been advancing, yet people are chronically stressed out, sick, unfulfilled, and unhappy. It’s time for change. Fortunately, there’s a new model of reality being birthed by pioneering scientists all around the world, one that honors the interconnectedness of all things, mind-matter interactions, the power of consciousness to influence physical reality, and the holistic nature of our human experience. The implications are massive across all sectors of society. A revolution is underway! Mark Gober’s An End to Upside Down Thinking is the single most succinct and comprehensive tour of this exciting new paradigm. In my 20 years of exploring consciousness, metaphysics, science and spirituality, I’ve never read a book that’s so thoroughly-researched and so daring in its scope. Travel into the frontiers of science. Experience the new realm of human possibilities. Read this book!”

Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan

Holistic medicine doctor and human potential expert, #1 bestselling author of SuperWellness: Become Your Own Best Healer, www.DrEdithUbuntu.com/www.SuperWellness.com

“Mark Gober is clear about his intention for this book. He wants to make some very interesting yet unheralded scientific findings available to a wide audience of readers. The science is good, but the topic is taboo, though it seems that status may be slowly changing. We’re talking about consciousness, and more particularly, its status in a scientific framework that struggles to find a viable definition of that most intimate and directly experienced aspect of the world. Gober lays out the questions and the tentative answers, and goes for the science that has some chance of nailing down what has to be understood for us to come to grips with mind and its extraordinary presence in the world. Here you will find a wide-ranging picture, painted in primary colors, of psi research, studies of telepathy, psychokinesis, precognition, and near-death experiences, studies that may ultimately make the difference in understanding what consciousness is and what it does—while providing direct access to our world. In terms of a quotation from the book: “For these [phenomena] we need a new language altogether, as we need new theories from a new kind of science even to begin to comprehend them.” With that new language we can speak to each other of the hugely important understanding that we are not separate islands of individuality, but participants in a connected whole.”

Roger Nelson, PhD

Director of the Global Consciousness Project and former Coordinator of Research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR)

“A riveting exploration of existing scientific evidence for paranormal realities. An important reminder of how much of our world is still left to be explained, and how powerful our human potential truly is.”

Giancarlo Marcaccini

CEO of Yogi Tea

Endorsements for An End to Upside Down Living (2020)

“Mark Gober’s first book, An End to Upside Down Thinking, provided clear presentation of the emerging scientific revolution surrounding the mind-brain connection and its world-changing implications for more fully understanding reality. In this absolutely essential sequel, he offers extraordinarily rich insights and practical applications stemming from these advanced ideas supported by deep conceptual background. This remarkable series energizes a profound revolution in how we can live more authentic and purposeful lives, enriching our individual and collective experience beyond imagination. Highly recommended!”

Eben Alexander, MD

Neurosurgeon and author of Living in a Mindful Universe, Proof of Heaven, and The Map of Heaven

“In An End to Upside Down Living, a follow-up to his important An End to Upside Down Thinking, author Mark Gober turns his attention from thinking to actual living. How does one put these vital ideas into practice? What difference do they make in one’s life? How did he, himself, accomplish this—and why are these steps necessary for our survival as a species? This is no clever iconoclastic outburst, but a deeply sane, honest, and vital handbook for survival. We ignore Gober’s voice at our own risk.”

Larry Dossey, MD

Author of One Mind: Why Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

“[Gober] takes the upside down world of business and of modern life in general, and puts them back on sound and sane feet. Worth reading — and taking to heart!”

Dr. Ervin Laszlo

Two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, author of more than 75 books, philosopher of science and systems theorist

“This book is an easy and enjoyable read, which is saying something given that it addresses most of the major mysteries of human existence and the nature of reality! It’s a book that is thought-provoking, inspirational, and down-to-earth all at once. Whether you digest it slowly, reflecting on the premises made in each chapter one at a time, or devour it in one sitting, it’s sure to shift your perspective and help to calibrate how you choose to view the world, and in turn, how you choose to live.”

Cassandra Vieten, PhD

Senior fellow and past president, Institute of Noetic Sciences & scholar-in-residence, Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination, University of California, San Diego , New York Times bestselling author

“Knowledge based on faulty or incomplete paradigms is necessarily flawed (geocentric astronomy, medicine before germ theory, physics before Newton, Einstein, and Schrödinger). If they consider consciousness at all, modern sciences assume that it is an epiphenomenon of brain functioning. If, as Mark Gober convincingly argues, consciousness is the foundation of the universe, then it is the foundation of all fields of knowledge, as well as their applications. Yet, aside from a few outliers, no modern discipline recognizes this. Consequently, our foundationless quest for understanding has brought us great benefits but also great harm and possible extinction. If consciousness is fundamental, then understanding it and harnessing its full potential will be humanity’s greatest breakthrough. This, therefore, may be one of the most important books you’ll ever read.”

Rick Archer

Host of Buddha at the Gas Pump

“For spiritual travelers, Mark Gober’s newest book is like getting a ticket for an evolutionary soul journey to the infinite field of unified awareness! Readers become true seekers, as they soon discover what they thought they know, may not be their own truth anymore. They learn about “unknowns” and then realize that there are even more “unknown unknowns” on this trip through life. I found this an enlightening and intelligent presentation that fully supports my own “One Consciousness” experiences.”

William “Rev. Bill” McDonald Jr

Author of Warrior: A Spiritual Odyssey & Alchemy of a Warrior’s Heart, award-winning poet, and a three-time near-death experiencer

What People Are Saying

“I could say it a trillion different times, thank you so much for writing this. It is a priceless gift to humanity…I enjoyed every second of it. Absolutely a life-changer, society-changer world-changer. You’re creating a revolution.”

“Well written, well researched, and extremely compelling. An incredible must-read that will change the way you think of your life. Really for all readers, this book provides answers to some of the most critical questions we are asking ourselves. Do yourself a favor and order now!”

“Mark funnels decades of empirical studies and academic literature into an easy-to-read, mind-blowing book. His background, which includes finance and consulting, makes his telling of this story all the more compelling; he shows how his worldview was flipped upside down by an overwhelming conflation of compelling evidence for the theories he presents. This book is a must-read for young adults and late adults alike, as it has the potential to improve the life outlook of anyone who reads it.”

“This book is so great! It compiles the latest research (from serious institutions) that backs up the metaphysical principles that guide our life. Love,love,love this book!”

“Gober’s book is powerful and much needed. It’s time to stop thinking like we’re in the 19th century Westerners and Europeans and begin to (happily) understand more of who we are (for ourselves) and how we’re connected to everything around us. We can stop doubting and start living with this important perspective.”

“One of the best Noory (coast to coast) interviews I’ve heard! Unusually succinct. I bought the book.”

“This book shares the scientific basis for consciousness that everyone should know. It is the fabric of our being and yet, often misunderstood. The author covers topics such as psychic phenomena, near-death experiences, and quantum physics. It does not matter what your current worldview is or what you believe to be true, this book will transform the way you think about your own potential and expand your understanding of life.”

“This book will change the way you view the ups and downs of your life. In non-intimidating language, Gober simplifies what we need to know about formerly esoteric subject matter. He does a great job of showing how scientific studies tangibly apply to our day-in and day-out lives. I’m a happier, more compassionate person thanks to Gober, his book, and his podcasts. Highly recommend!”

“Hello Mark, I listened to the radio late at night sometimes and last night heard you on Coast to Coast. While I was asleep, the conversation woke me and I found the topic very interesting. I am an engineer and hold a master’s degree. I just ordered your book. I look forward to reading it. It sounds very interesting”

“Mark, You gave an excellent interview on Coast to Coast last night. I look forward to reading your book in the near future.”

“Your interview on coast to coast am radio was a home run. Intention plays a greater-than-chance in many physical phenomena”

“I cannot say enough about this life-enhancing book! This puts EVERYTHING into perspective and has been essential in reshaping the way I now look at and experience life! SO grateful to Mark Gober for putting this information together so brilliantly, in a way that is easy to follow, easy to understand and easy to immediately implement. I am a firm believer that this has brought my upside thinking to an end and I am watching my world turn right side up as a result!”

“Dear Mr. Gober, Your interview on Coast To Coast AM radio was a home run. Intention plays a greater-than-chance in many physical phenomena. I would consider it an honor to be LinkedIn with you. Thank you for the consideration.”

“Mark, just finished reading your book — nothing like I’ve ever read, blew my mind multiple times. I’m sure you’ve heard this from other people but thank you for writing it!”

Hi Mark,
I am grateful to have stumbled across your interview first on the Model Health Show and then I searched around to find more and I loved the two part series with Matt Belair. I then proceeded to share them both on social media because I know many humans, including my father and brother who have intellectualized themselves out of previous connections to spirituality within and outside of organized religion. In the same regard, I know many who believe themselves to be too smart to believe in things like reincarnation, past life trauma, telepathy, precognition and the likes.
I so appreciate that you took such care in bridging the gap between the mystical and scientific. I think your voice in this conversation is much needed.
I have had many experiences in my life that have validated that I/we are connected to divine consciousness. I am friends with exceptionally talented mediums like my friend [Lori] who has validated my own intuition and connection to divine knowing on many occasions.
I find it so interesting how often the intellectuals, the highly educated scoff at the mystical, the hippies, the airy fairy people of the world as if those people know nothing. When in my reality, it is those of us who are considered hippies that in fact are more connected to the divine truth of the Universe and collective consciousness.
Anyway, thank you. I have been teaching yoga for over 13 years, I do some public speaking and have been soul searching more and more since the loss of a good friend last year. I am grateful for the science and research you offered that will better validate this information to the masses. Those who like you and I, have an inkling that there is more to understand, but who have not been fed the right information for the right angle.
I am so looking forward to your upcoming podcasts! I have already ordered your book on audible and will likely get a paper copy too.
Thanks again! I appreciate you.