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David Lorimer: The Galileo Commission
David Lorimer is a writer, lecturer, editor, and program director of the Scientific and Medical Network. After a career as a merchant banker, Lorimer became a teacher of philosophy and modern languages at Winchester College. He has a long-standing interest in perennial wisdom and has translated and edited books on the Bulgarian sage Peter Deunov. He is also a member of the International Futures Forum and editor of its digest, Omnipedia: Thinking for Tomorrow. David Lorimer is chair of the Wrekin Trust, an adult education charity. He is also vice-president of the Swedenborg Society and the Horizon Foundation (The International Association for Near-Death Studies in the U.K.), and chair of the University for Spirit Forum. He also chairs the All Hallows House Foundation, which is concerned with holistic health. His other books include Whole in One: The Near-Death Experience and the Ethic of Interconnectedness and Survival: Body, Mind, and Death in the Light of Psychic Experience.
Whole in One
Thinking Beyond the Brain
Prophet for Our Times